Tag: Layout

Installation and Overview

Jul 1, 2017 5 min.

Capsule is a CSS-only theme for Hugo sites that uses the Bulma CSS framework and Font-Awesome icons. Installation To install Capsule, you can add it as a submodule in the themes/ directory, or you copy the files manually. If you use Git to version your site, you can easily add Capsule as a submodule. From the base of your website repository, run: git submodule add https://github.com/sudorook/capsule themes/capsule If you would instead prefer to manually install the theme, copy over the contents of the static/ directory to your site.

Table of Contents

Jul 29, 2017 1 min.

Capsule can automatically generate a table of contents for each page. Simply set in the front matter (toml):

toc = true

The title from every # is used to generate each item in the table. The lesser the header is in the page hierarchy, the more it will be nested. See below.